
Get 20 warm Meetings
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Over 40 meetings with enterprise clients - 2 big Airlines signed as new clients

Fetcherr is an Israeli tech company that developed a proprietary AI-powered, results-driven engine that accurately and granularly predicts demand and enables continuous pricing for the airline industry.

Successfully Raising $100k for Frequants

Frequants is a technology firm that applies a quantitative statistical model, built by industry experts and technology leaders. Extensive industry research and deep understanding of the digital assets markets and the traditional stock market.

8 Qualified meetings with VC’s from Asia for Traent

Blockchain for fact-driven enterprises. A network of hybrid functional blockchains. Ready for tomorrow, available now. We bring blockchain to any industry.

VC Expressing Interest in a $3M Investment, 20+ Meetings with Potential Investors

“Triber is the ‘Uber’ for Sports & Fitness. We make joining an activity as simple as ordering a ride.” With Triber you can join leisure and recreation activities near you with minimal hassle.

Over 40 meetings with potential investors - 2 Big Airlines signed as new clients

Fetcherr is an Israeli tech company that developed a proprietary AI-powered, results-driven engine that accurately and granularly predicts demand and enables continuous pricing for the airline industry.

About Us

Donel Media helps startups in the B2B space gain awareness and generate clients using our unique Sales Meetings on Demand System.

We've successfully done so across various industries, ranging from SaaS, AI, Blockchain, manufacturing, to aviation.

Michael Donel

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❌ You're not above $25K/mo with your Tech Company

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